
Monday, April 30, 2012

Happy Birthday, PJ!

Again, I'm late with this. (Does 9 months really count as late, or am I now 3 months early? Hmmmm...) Yeah, yeah - I know!

Anyway, we had to postpone and change some dates until a decent contingent of family could be rounded up for one day, but it finally came together and we had a lovely passle of people over to celebrate PJ's transition to the big 3-5. We smoked some excellent ribs and gorged ourselves on yummy food.

The only *ahem* "slip-up" was the cake. I made his favorite chocolate cake with caramel frosting. However delicious that frosting is, it's kind of persnickety. It's quite soft and loose. So I frost the cake and place it in the fridge right away to firm up. An hour later, PJ's sister opens the fridge and asks if I meant to have the cake fall over. *sigh* Sad little cake's 3 layers had slid right off one another, creating a lovely pile nestled amongst the lemon juice and soy sauce. I peeled everything out of the fridge, smushed it back together, and we had cake mush.

The kids were horrified when they saw it. We tried to get pictures of their faces as they came in the house, but couldn't quite capture it. Every one said, "Oh my gosh! What happened?" It was rather funny, after it wasn't.

But we were there together, and that's what matters - right? Happy birthday to my children's favorite person and my rock.

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