
Thursday, February 18, 2010

All My Children...

It's time once again for one of my geeky comparisons. What can I say, I love hard data. And everyone wonders who the new baby looks most like, so here ya go. So who can get these right? It's Guess the Bocek Baby. And leave a comment saying how many you got right!
I was surprised by just how similar they looked at birth. Guess they really do share the same gene pool. Many people were surprised by how dark Eowyn's hair and skin are, but she isn't the only one. See below for answers!

Once again, in color and birth order:

And, just for kicks, here they are at 4 weeks:

Them's some cute babies, if I do say so myself!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Silly Girl!

Here's Monster being one of her favorite alter-egos (since we've banned her favorite: Naked Girl), Silly Girl.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


The bulk of my experience with babies began when my half-sisters were born, when I was 8-10 years old. And so many of my references come from that time: we call pacifiers "pi-pi's" (Rachel) and baby spit-up is "urp".

Eowyn is the urping-est kid I've had so far. The Dr hasn't gone so far as to say she has reflux yet, but man, this kid can spit up! And it's never in a predictable way, like when you're burping her after she eats. No, it's 10 minutes later, while she's lying on her back looking at you. Or 2 hours later, as she starts eating again and returns 1/4 of her last meal, nice and curdled. Or every time I put her in her carseat. I've never had to use bibs on a newborn before, but we go through several a day with her.

And so, I find myself calling her Urpalicious (which almost always results in having Beyonce's "Bootylicious" stuck in my head for the next hour), or Princess Urpy, or Urpalina. Poor girl - MaraJade was LadyBug or Baby Girl - but Eowyn is just the Urping Queen.

Monday, February 8, 2010

They Change! They green now!

Toward the end of my pregnancy, MaraJade started asking a lot of questions about the baby. "Does the baby have fingers?" "Does the baby walk?" "Does the baby have a nose?" And her most frequently asked: "Does the baby have eyes? What color are baby's eyes?" I explained that they would probably be blue because we all have blue eyes. She responds, "But you eyes are green, Mommy." I say that my eyes were blue when I was little like her, but they changed to green when I was older.

Fast forward a few weeks, and she still loves to talk about everyone's eye color, then go look in the mirror to corroborate that, yes, her eyes are blue. (Typical convo: "Daddy's eyes blue, Tristen's eyes blue, Mace's eyes blue, MaraJade's eyes blue, 'Owyn's eyes blue, you eyes green!") Then last week, after such a talk, she runs to the mirror to check, then runs back, all excited, saying, "Look! My eyes green now! They change! My eyes green now like yours!" And nobody can convince her differently. Yep, they green, Miss Monster.