My baby (my last, final, ever baby) is 1. I can't believe it. As always, it simultaneously feels as though she's been a part of our family forever
and like she just got here. It's horrible how fast time goes by, and how the pace of life has picked up since my oldest baby was born. Miss E's early days are already hazy, and many of my most vivid memories of her revolve around her passionate love for me and need to be attached to me at all times.
But she's a sweet, loving, funny baby girl. Her first words were "dog", "Wow!" and "Hi!" and new favorites are "Yay!" and "Whoa!" along with the perennial child's favorite "Dada." She adores her big sister and brothers and just lights up when she sees them. She's generally still awake when they go to bed, and is constantly barging into their rooms to play. Since starting to walk in December, she's now a walkinig machine, and I just can't believe she's trucking around like a pro at only 1!
She's trying, she's exhausting, she demands pretty much every waking (and sleeping) moment I have, but I wouldn't trade any moment or dollar that it took to have her here with us. She completes our family, and I can't wait to see who she becomes.
The only way Mommy gets any work done - with Miss E attached to her side or back. |
Not so sure she likes what's going on right now... |