
Tuesday, November 30, 2010


PJ and I seem to have many anniveraries (maybe most people do? I don't know...). There's the Wedding Day: August 15, 1997 and the Sealing Day: August 15, 2001. The Day We Became Engaged (unofficially): February 14, 1994, and (officially): May 20, 1995.

Then there are the two that started it all: November 27, 1993 (edit: thanks to a sharp-eyed reader) - the Night We Met. We often debated whether it was the 26th (the night we left our respective houses to hang out at the Quest with our respective band of hooligans), or the 27th (since it was definitely after midnight when we met) - now we're sticking with the 27th. Yes, it was roughly 1 or 2 a.m. when that handsome, swaggering boy with the towering blond hair (whom I'd been eyeing for the past few weeks)  finally gave me the "come hither" finger crook, and I boogied right on over to dance with him. (Yes, that was the first and last time he ever had anything so easy with me.) After whiling away the rest of the night and exchanging numbers, I fully expected to never hear from him again. But I did, which leads us to:

November 30, 2003: Our First Date. I'd never really been on an actual date before, so I was really excited. And he seemed in a hurry to see me again, so I was really, really excited. However, by the end of school, it was clear that I had a fever and some kind of cold coming on. But I was going on that date, by-golly! So I drove home as fast as I could and took (children of mine, never do something like this!) *ahem* 6 Tylenol with Codeine. Because as any teenager knows, if one of something helps, multiples will help even more - and faster! Half an hour later, I'm feeling fine, and PJ arrives to take me on our date. We drive to Round Table to eat (yeah, and for him to get the a-ok from his friend Steve on me), but on the way, I get this horrible pain in my chest (apparently, consuming that much medication can cause some problems!), and I panic a bit, thinking we might have to cancel, but it passes, and the rest of the evening passes beautifully. I guess it really was Meant To Be. And the rest - as they say - is history.

March 1994
First Date Movie
My Winter Formal - December 1993
Why always the Pregnancy Pose?
PJ's Senior Prom - May 1994
Man, we were young!
My Senior Prom - May 20, 1995
Engagement Night :-)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Off to school - Mace-style

Although I am generally barely coherent in the wee hours of the morning when I drop the boys off at school, I recently noticed a consistent pattern in the way Mace heads off to class, and thought it was just priceless, perfect Mace. With his Buzz wings waving ("Coolest backpack in the school!" the principal tells me every day), he bops off down the sidewalk until he gets to the hopscotch squares, where he (of course) doesn't just run over them, but completes the sequence - twice. So here is Mace, boogying off to school:

I do love this kid.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween! Take 1, 2, 3

MaraJade as the Red Princess.

Mace as Ben 10 - he insisted this was "the face Ben makes". Ick.

Tristen as Dastan from Prince of Persia. Complete with polo shirt underneath. :-)


Eowyn - my little lamb.

We had quite the busy 3 days: Friday night was Boo Boogie at the kids' school (carnival/dance/harvest festival?), Saturday (after 2 soccer games) there was a Halloween party for the boys, then Trunk-or-Treating at church, where the kids scored a small mountain of candy, then Sunday trick-or-treating in a friend's neighborhood to increase the sugar haul. Tristen has a backpack bulging with Halloween candy, and Mace isn't far behind. But they had a ton of fun!